Travel not of the road but of one’s emotional self existence is always one's want. Am I right in saying this? Why people love to travel? Why people travel in search of love? Not of the road but of one's own heart? Have you ever imagined the power of realization? The power of dream?
I got from my bed with an alarm peeping the song 'ya Ali - gangster' ... shocked, got up...Finally. Straight towards the television I switch on two plugs, there comes my favorite video songs. After a brief shower I start... I usually catch the first bus to STC as me entering at mid point won’t be able to manage a seat. Usually alone with my musiques I start walking towards chaurasa (bus stop). Waiting for the bus in winter that to an hour before sun rise cools one's spine down. My friend "Joint" helps me to stay calm till I get inside the bus.
Travelling makes a person to realize the worth of reaching distance. Being metaphorically unless one travel distance he can’t know the depth of life, particularly its meaning. There are at times one won’t get the real picture or view of his own life but most often when you lead your emotions you get the right view of life and most important its sole purpose of existence. To choose the best way to travel and the seat from where you can foresee your future happening is very difficult when you have been offered plenty of options. It’s always easy to choose what is right & what is wrong. But it is extremely difficult to choose the better of two rights & worst of two wrongs.
I entered the bus, said salaam to my bus driver friend and stared at an almost empty bus. With a small confusion of choosing the best seat from where I can view the pleasant atmosphere on the way to STC I sat. Opened the half opened window peeped outside to feel fresh oxygen, tuning to sounds of melodies and enjoying sweet solidarity with sense of happiness.
There are at times people shall forget the path they have travelled , the way they have, the people they have come across or the time they have spend to reach a beautiful place and most important the difficulty it takes, the pain it endures to reach the heights and lows of life. In Travel, one come across the taste of sweat and shock and only those who smile at those and venture will reach and have reached dangerous heights.
I usually carry a novel with me. I read it whenever I travel. Flipping pages of a novel (interesting) while travelling is of feeling highness as this gives me nice tempo to my mood. Without getting carried away of reading novel I pause to enjoy the atmosphere outside , sense of opening shops , musiques in my ear, chat with persons nearby (no matter even if u don’t know). It ‘s always a beautiful sight when you happen to see varied breeze of emotions right from birds to army man. Inside the bus it’s enjoyable to see people discussing about the previous day’s story varied from romantic blues to movies to LOC’s.
It will never make sense if u can’t enjoy at each and every scene you see. One can never experience the amount of happiness around us unless you feel open to explore it. It’s not about how long you travel to success; it’s about how frequent you travel towards success will determine the actual distance you attain. Each and every thing in this universe is to learn and you ought to finish reading it before you leave.
I reached STC got down from the bus started walking towards my room. Had a cup of vending coffee sat down in my place? People started flowing in and it’s just another routine day of learning in life!!!!! Unless one learns in life, he standstills at a position from where there can be no help.
P:S: This is not what I thought of writing!!!! There’s something in my mind which stops me!!!!