Just today, I learned a new and one of the most important lessons of my life. I have experienced this over the years and today it hit me while I was walking on the road going back to my rented room after purchasing some stuff. I saw people talking, laughing, some sad, some poor, some beggars, some rich persons, some with tensions stretched across theira faces, some with “Fuck You” on their face.. many many different types of humans emotions.
I learned the lesson that the facial beauty or the ugliness, that the superficial shapes and curves of human body, in reality are superficial. There is something that lies deeper inside, that deeper thing shows itself in the form of habits and behaviours in a person and no matter how much you try, you can never change a man. Every man has one fundamental form of his behaviour which he never changes throughout his life. Put an honest and patriotic man in a company of corrupted politicians and businessmen and when you will remove him from there after 10 years into the normal life, he will basically remain the same. Some habits of him may have changed over time and the basic traits of his thinking will remains same, like if no one ever touched them over last 10 years. Almost all men fall for the beauty of a woman. I am a man and I guarantee you about these typical habits of men. A man can fall for a woman who is much more beautiful and glamorous than his own wife and he will cheat on her wife for that. Men fall for beauty and glamour. When your life your life as a man responsible for his family and his society, what you see is deeper than that beautiful face , you see how that woman is going to live with you, how she is going to affect your life (in positive or negative way), what type of communications she has towards persons she lives, what she thinks of some people and why she does not think some good or bad about others. Just typical characteristics of human behavior. What you see on the face and the sexy figure is a deceiving phenomenon. The Truth of the Beauty lies in the relationship with that woman. What life you are going to live with her. As a married man you will fed up in sex with a beautiful and sexy wife just after 2 years if she does not give a suitable life and growth to your kids( our kids ?). You will fed of your moments on bed with a sexy shape you own when you will see your life is imbalanced. Why don’t men see that 2 years ago? Why do they have to fall for beauty and sex? Now women will say I am criticizing them by my own biased opinions. No its not true, so lets come to the side of general viewpoint, applied to all humans. Same way the woman works in last paragraph, the general friendship works, in case of relationships. Your relatives, your friends and your parents are bound by their natural instincts which is mostly same in all species: Being Selfish. Few are good by nature and thats what I will call Natural Evolution. If your friend, or your business partner or your husband, has some habits and characteristics which are not well fit in a family and kid-raising environment, your marriage will perish. Most Indians believe, that the culture of white people (by white people, most Indians refer to native people of USA and UK) is of sex and hence divorce. My countrymen, very proudly have convictions that white-people are not family people, that they are superior except when comes to family life. They think they divorce because of they are full of sex. I can see many whites will not like this picture of theirs but thats what a typical Indian thinks about them. Indians think that our family lives are better as divorce rates are way-way less. My fellow countrymen do not want to see the truth that its not about sex or family life, thats its about human rights. You can not hit your woman in USA, well, in India you can punch her in the stomach while she is 6 months pregnant and law gives a shit about it. The human rights are worse (but better as compared to China). Any Indian husband can beat his wife like a dog, while he is drunk and people will come to rescue both of them, man from his liquor and woman from the wounds and then they will say “ok, ok, its all ok, after all you are husband and wife. Forget the anger now and live like a family. After all you have to live together for all of your life” The Americans divorce because if man beats a woman while she is pregnant, he is doomed. Any teacher in India can beat his students with sticks only to express his anger and no one will say anything because law have no rules like a teacher can not slap or beat his students. Its about human rights, its not about cultures or race or color that most Indians wrongly believe.
I learned the lesson that the facial beauty or the ugliness, that the superficial shapes and curves of human body, in reality are superficial. There is something that lies deeper inside, that deeper thing shows itself in the form of habits and behaviours in a person and no matter how much you try, you can never change a man. Every man has one fundamental form of his behaviour which he never changes throughout his life. Put an honest and patriotic man in a company of corrupted politicians and businessmen and when you will remove him from there after 10 years into the normal life, he will basically remain the same. Some habits of him may have changed over time and the basic traits of his thinking will remains same, like if no one ever touched them over last 10 years. Almost all men fall for the beauty of a woman. I am a man and I guarantee you about these typical habits of men. A man can fall for a woman who is much more beautiful and glamorous than his own wife and he will cheat on her wife for that. Men fall for beauty and glamour. When your life your life as a man responsible for his family and his society, what you see is deeper than that beautiful face , you see how that woman is going to live with you, how she is going to affect your life (in positive or negative way), what type of communications she has towards persons she lives, what she thinks of some people and why she does not think some good or bad about others. Just typical characteristics of human behavior. What you see on the face and the sexy figure is a deceiving phenomenon. The Truth of the Beauty lies in the relationship with that woman. What life you are going to live with her. As a married man you will fed up in sex with a beautiful and sexy wife just after 2 years if she does not give a suitable life and growth to your kids( our kids ?). You will fed of your moments on bed with a sexy shape you own when you will see your life is imbalanced. Why don’t men see that 2 years ago? Why do they have to fall for beauty and sex? Now women will say I am criticizing them by my own biased opinions. No its not true, so lets come to the side of general viewpoint, applied to all humans. Same way the woman works in last paragraph, the general friendship works, in case of relationships. Your relatives, your friends and your parents are bound by their natural instincts which is mostly same in all species: Being Selfish. Few are good by nature and thats what I will call Natural Evolution. If your friend, or your business partner or your husband, has some habits and characteristics which are not well fit in a family and kid-raising environment, your marriage will perish. Most Indians believe, that the culture of white people (by white people, most Indians refer to native people of USA and UK) is of sex and hence divorce. My countrymen, very proudly have convictions that white-people are not family people, that they are superior except when comes to family life. They think they divorce because of they are full of sex. I can see many whites will not like this picture of theirs but thats what a typical Indian thinks about them. Indians think that our family lives are better as divorce rates are way-way less. My fellow countrymen do not want to see the truth that its not about sex or family life, thats its about human rights. You can not hit your woman in USA, well, in India you can punch her in the stomach while she is 6 months pregnant and law gives a shit about it. The human rights are worse (but better as compared to China). Any Indian husband can beat his wife like a dog, while he is drunk and people will come to rescue both of them, man from his liquor and woman from the wounds and then they will say “ok, ok, its all ok, after all you are husband and wife. Forget the anger now and live like a family. After all you have to live together for all of your life” The Americans divorce because if man beats a woman while she is pregnant, he is doomed. Any teacher in India can beat his students with sticks only to express his anger and no one will say anything because law have no rules like a teacher can not slap or beat his students. Its about human rights, its not about cultures or race or color that most Indians wrongly believe.