Homo sapiens, just like other species (like Dogs, Whales, Ants, Giraffe and other animals) are selfish by their very nature. There shouldn’t be any kind of psychological variations while we address to other species or to the creatures within the species we are. Should there be? If you watch closely a dog sleeping, watch how he breathes, watch how his chest goes up and down, it is exactly like your mother breathes, watch how he gets alerted when you make a little noise. Creatures are the same all over the universe. Why those native species think they are superior to the world when there is something universe beyond that. Watch a dog how he stretches his body when he wakes up, it is exactly like you did when you woke up today. Watch how a cat looks at you while you are looking at her. Watch how a cow behaves with you when you touch her, watch her reaction when you try to hit her child and then people think we are the center of the creation of this universe. People think we are not species, we are humans and better than all. What should be the heights of stupidity when we think we are on our own? Earth is only a very tiny part of the Milky Way Galaxy and this galaxy has millions of stars like Earth. And there are more than a billion galaxies in this universe. How come you say that earth has only the living system? Do you have the power to peep inside the window of neighboring galaxy? How can you say that stones exist only in your backyard, that they don’t exist on Mars or a planet which is billions and billions and billions and billions and billions of miles away from you and no one has seen that planet. Since no one has seen that planet, so it must not exist. Right? It sounds ridiculous when people act in a selfish way towards other creatures. May be life is beyond what one can imagine. There is something more to venture inside once own self than to try IF you watch animals e.g. Lions, Deer, Parrots, etc you will see they exist and live primarily only to survive and the way to survive is to be selfish: Eat what you get and don’t share with others. Forget about fellow lions, I will eat the killed deer alone and if you mess with me I will tear your ass out you. So when we see on News Channels that George Bush ordering the invasion of Iraq or when we hear or read Hitler killed millions in concentration camps or general Indian police men raping women, then we get angry or surprised. Why? Its ordinary species behavior. Why do you showcase your anger as a greedy bitch for word call fame? Is there any need to portrait the anger for those incidents which are far inferior to those happening around? The most important point why everyone has to stop breathing one day, or why you stop breathing when put a knife in your heart. We are species. And on a final note, Hitler did not kill millions himself, his army men killed millions and those army men were also in millions. Millions of species killed millions of other species. Why surprise? Other species (which we call animals) die and they stop breathing. Humans die and they stop breathing. The difference between a dead deer and an alive man is that man is breathing while deer is not. Why? Ever saw a buffalo getting hurt when you hurt her child? They speak, they talk, they communicate and when you can’t understand their communication and you tie them in rope you say we are the center of creation of this universe. What the heck? Are we? Maybe we are the center of living universe known to us. What kind of logic is this? The difference between species is only of their shape and the way they breed. So why you think that this tiny star called Earth has life on it? Why you think there cannot be another life, another species which is watching you like you watch the behavior of Lions on Discovery Channel. What make you think that only human species can create warplanes and atom bombs? Since you never saw anyone with different shape than humans creating missiles so there must not be anyone. Did your stupid school teach you this? When will the living world learn there is a need for companionship within and with other species? What is the need to explore heavenly objects when you can’t see your own species dying? If you think we are special to those species they think the same. Think again else there may be one day when there isn’t anymore.