“Think Deeply … Deep Thinking … Dream on, to I breathe…. Live on and hence I breathe”. Life is all about you think to dream and dream the past when you are done with the dream. Life is a game of chess where the fate always succeed winning the game and always makes you to think that you are always playing ahead of it, the fate , it winning the prime motive of playing with you. Life I define is an amalgamation of insignificant dots that you ought to cross to make it as a whole picture that you dream of and that you want to be dreamt of till ages behind and beyond your death. That’s Life.
I always walk long, succeeding as always I do forgetting the move I need to make and suddenly I find myself in a new arena. Innocence of this world shall trigger your dream to new heights if you just dream it of the way you want to. Life teaches you this umpteenth time and you seldom listen thereby realizing that life teaches you unless you are bang on. There is something ineffably poignant in the life that cures your thinking and vision and pushes you to the heights unless you desperately want to fall on gravity.
P.S: Dream on : Inspired writing after reading a Russian short story