"a thread can separate the distance of life and death , but to unravel it , it takes a lifetime."
evening 8 p.m. i stepped outside the famous sivagami pethachi auditorium after watching a play. The first play i watched and the best. I was welcomed to andromeda!!!!!!!!!! A play can easily affect a person the way he thinks and can change the whole life... just by acting!!!! "THIS play deals with the emotions suffered by the protaganist who being a paralytic wants to ends his life which he can't thanks to his disease asks his nurse to do so!!! " life for me till then a jolly ride with no obstacles for those who are mind ruler!!!! i was just transformed then to be an heart ruler. Its not bout wat u achieve at the end of the life !!!! its all about wat all you achieve and lose while taking the journey forward!!! always in life two things come in between!!! self esteem and compromise!!! i always choose the latter unless it touches the former's permissble limit!!! but fact is once the knock is lifted with a strong burst ... you got to follow wat the heart says!!! some times you think dream till no time untill the joint in your hand reminds you firing the fingers and by saying :- "hey mind there are times you got to allow the heart to rule which will never be wat say 'mindless'". Life is worthless unless u make it worth. That day , after watching the play i had a romance with my dream and cried all along the path travelled and decided life is worth living wen u ve romance with ur own self with the dream and shy away with a cry or two.!!!! thats why i feel nature gifted us the purity of dream and places like heaven at your door steps!!!! to all those who maintain the way of walking per say of the mind, i advice them dont be so mindless!!!!