What kind of Mystery its all about...
As said , its an innocent world which we are peeping in daily !!!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Three Idiots @ Review
Monday, December 7, 2009
Chennai India: Broken Bridge

Monday, November 30, 2009
Indian Writing
P.S: Source Wiki, Indianwriting
Deep Thinking ... I breathe
Monday, November 16, 2009
Insane us
Atheism and Theism
Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani
Saturday, September 19, 2009
In Search of Realm of Life : Ganges, Trip to Gaumukh Part – II
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The Namesake

P.S. To be reviewed later once the reading is done.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
In Search of Realm of Life : Ganges , Trip to Gaumukh

To be continued…
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Inside Beauty Part II : Being Selfish

Inside Beauty … Part I

I learned the lesson that the facial beauty or the ugliness, that the superficial shapes and curves of human body, in reality are superficial. There is something that lies deeper inside, that deeper thing shows itself in the form of habits and behaviours in a person and no matter how much you try, you can never change a man. Every man has one fundamental form of his behaviour which he never changes throughout his life. Put an honest and patriotic man in a company of corrupted politicians and businessmen and when you will remove him from there after 10 years into the normal life, he will basically remain the same. Some habits of him may have changed over time and the basic traits of his thinking will remains same, like if no one ever touched them over last 10 years. Almost all men fall for the beauty of a woman. I am a man and I guarantee you about these typical habits of men. A man can fall for a woman who is much more beautiful and glamorous than his own wife and he will cheat on her wife for that. Men fall for beauty and glamour. When your life your life as a man responsible for his family and his society, what you see is deeper than that beautiful face , you see how that woman is going to live with you, how she is going to affect your life (in positive or negative way), what type of communications she has towards persons she lives, what she thinks of some people and why she does not think some good or bad about others. Just typical characteristics of human behavior. What you see on the face and the sexy figure is a deceiving phenomenon. The Truth of the Beauty lies in the relationship with that woman. What life you are going to live with her. As a married man you will fed up in sex with a beautiful and sexy wife just after 2 years if she does not give a suitable life and growth to your kids( our kids ?). You will fed of your moments on bed with a sexy shape you own when you will see your life is imbalanced. Why don’t men see that 2 years ago? Why do they have to fall for beauty and sex? Now women will say I am criticizing them by my own biased opinions. No its not true, so lets come to the side of general viewpoint, applied to all humans. Same way the woman works in last paragraph, the general friendship works, in case of relationships. Your relatives, your friends and your parents are bound by their natural instincts which is mostly same in all species: Being Selfish. Few are good by nature and thats what I will call Natural Evolution. If your friend, or your business partner or your husband, has some habits and characteristics which are not well fit in a family and kid-raising environment, your marriage will perish. Most Indians believe, that the culture of white people (by white people, most Indians refer to native people of USA and UK) is of sex and hence divorce. My countrymen, very proudly have convictions that white-people are not family people, that they are superior except when comes to family life. They think they divorce because of they are full of sex. I can see many whites will not like this picture of theirs but thats what a typical Indian thinks about them. Indians think that our family lives are better as divorce rates are way-way less. My fellow countrymen do not want to see the truth that its not about sex or family life, thats its about human rights. You can not hit your woman in USA, well, in India you can punch her in the stomach while she is 6 months pregnant and law gives a shit about it. The human rights are worse (but better as compared to China). Any Indian husband can beat his wife like a dog, while he is drunk and people will come to rescue both of them, man from his liquor and woman from the wounds and then they will say “ok, ok, its all ok, after all you are husband and wife. Forget the anger now and live like a family. After all you have to live together for all of your life” The Americans divorce because if man beats a woman while she is pregnant, he is doomed. Any teacher in India can beat his students with sticks only to express his anger and no one will say anything because law have no rules like a teacher can not slap or beat his students. Its about human rights, its not about cultures or race or color that most Indians wrongly believe.
Aghori …

Although the practice of taking all of one’s food and drink from a human skull is rare nowadays, certain sadhus, particularly the Aghori sub-sect, still hold to it as a daily reminder of human mortality and as a challenge to transcend the duality of life and death.These ascetics remain naked and often wear a rosary made of bones around their neck and carry a human skull in the left hand and a bell in the right hand. Their sectarian tilaka, forehead mark denotes unity of the Hindu triad.
I had long been fascinated by the Aghoris or “aughars” and my fascination was born out of the many weird and incredible stories that are associated with “aghoris”, their way of life and their supernatural powers. “Aghori” stands for and the origins of this aghor sect?The word “Aghor” when translated literally means “that which is easy or non-terrible” which is the underlying philosophy of the Aghor sect. Contrary to popular perception that “Aghoris” are human flesh eaters and urine-drinkers who practice black magic, “Aghor” philosophy is about absolute renunciation. However, the “Aghoris” do drink liquor and eat flesh as opposed to practitioners of other spiritual sects in India where these things are taboo. But for the “Aghori” these acts are a way of breaking all social conventions.The “aghors” believe that by breaking these social taboos, true realization dawns. Secondly, for the “aghor” their Lord Shiva is perfect and since he is responsible for everything hence everything that exists must be perfect and so for the “aghor” nothing is dirty or untouchable or unpalatable. So the “aghori” would wear the shroud taken off a dead body, or chose to remain naked or rub himself with ashes of the dead, or drink in vessels made of human skull only to negate the popular perception that these things are unholy or impure in a way emphasizing their core belief that nothing is impure as everything stands for Shiva and Shiva is perfect.
Inspiration : Tamil Movie (Nan kadavul)
Monday, August 24, 2009
Train to Pakistan : Khushwant Singh
Author Khushwant Singh
Country India
Language English
Genre(s) Historical novel
Publisher Chatto & Windus
Publication date 1956
Media type print (hardback & paperback)
Pages 181 pp
ISBN NA & reissue ISBN 0-8371-8226-3
The most well-known work brought forth by the multi–faceted Khushwant Singh, “Train to Pakistan ” addresses as it’s central theme the mindlessness and the futility of communal hatred and violence.
Muslims said the Hindus had planned and started the killing. According to the Hindus, the Muslims were to blame. The fact is, both sides killed. Both shot and stabbed and speared and clubbed. Both tortured. Both raped”.
Set in the year 1947 in an Indian village –Mano Majra–along the Indo–Pakistan border, the Novel shows how a communal wedge of distrust is drawn between the peaceful Hindu and Muslim denizens of the village. The Hindus of the village are incited to murder their Muslim neighbors and friends to send a Train full of Muslim corpses to Pakistan, as an act of retribution to a similar mass murder performed by Muslims on there other side of the Border.
However, the Love of a village Rogue, Jugga, for his Muslim Beloved Nooro, finally, motivates the Rogue, who is a Sikh of the village, to save the lives of the Muslim Refugees aboard the Train from a planned Hindu assault.
Freedom is for the educated people who fought for it. We were slaves of the English, now we will be slaves of the educated Indians—or the Pakistanis”.
The Novel describes how peaceful villagers are forcibly drawn into the vortex of communal violence, and, how futile this violence ultimately proves to be in front of their traditional Brotherhood.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
love ...
We sink and my heart in depth of agony lies;
As with the dawn the taper of the lamp
Laps up the last drops of oil and dies
Friend, it’s my business to cry, how long you will keep wiping tears from eyes. I recalled how our association and progressed and how we were carried away by our infatuation like paper boats cast on a powerful stream. Love is a misery which spares no one, neither the old nor the young, neither married nor single. How in my infatuation I had sprinkled flowers of homage at her feet, how a women, who I had first not thought particularly beautiful had become the most beautiful in the world to me after she became my beloved.
I despaired and said to myself, ‘better be enchained, locked up, even die in a prison than be enmeshed in the net of love and longing.’
‘The eye hath ruined me,’ the heart complained.
‘The heart has lost me,’ the eye replied.
I know not which told the truth, which lied
Between the two, it was Meer who died.
Do everything your heart desires but never let it fall in love; Love spares neither lover nor the beloved. Envy slays companionship quicker than sword.
P.S: Dont read the last page of the novel that makes you to come to real Life !!! Be in Fiction always!!!
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Desire is motto of life… the mantra behind which we live. Hey … if you guys accept it or not … I ‘m writing on your behalf and this is as true as truth is. Any wish or so-called expectation from things to thrills, from persons to pathetic situations is always the mantra of living world and its people. Check your own nostalgia you shall pat my back and say ‘bang on’. It’s to start from your birth to your death in between the phases of your teens to love age, from emotions of anger to romance, responsibility till you complete your duties, the word Desire throngs your ears and paves the heart in. Family pressures to business commitments, the idea of fulfilling the commitments is always where this seed grows in. I was just paging through Kushwanth Singh’s Delhi, and I straightway started writing this post as the word Nafs prompted me to. Is there any one in the world who never desires? I don’t think so. Are expectations wrong? Why shouldn’t we expect? Am I making a sin if I expect? If expecting a sin, I shall conclude there shouldn’t be any intellectual sense? Human being has this power. He deserves to think a dream. There comes expectation when one thinks of future. I accept getting to dumps after loosing the expectations one expects is what the real reason people stop expecting. Isn’t possible to expect a wish thereby go on with your life even if you lose the next moment. Being practical is it so difficult? I don’t think so. I believe in making common sense. But, yes, when emotions are into considerations one cannot win in a practical way. Being harsh in heart the worst thing or sense in sensibility of today’s life style to live in. What is the best way to live? Being practical or impractical? Come on through on your comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Travel not of the road but of one’s emotional self existence

Travel not of the road but of one’s emotional self existence is always one's want. Am I right in saying this? Why people love to travel? Why people travel in search of love? Not of the road but of one's own heart? Have you ever imagined the power of realization? The power of dream?
I got from my bed with an alarm peeping the song 'ya Ali - gangster' ... shocked, got up...Finally. Straight towards the television I switch on two plugs, there comes my favorite video songs. After a brief shower I start... I usually catch the first bus to STC as me entering at mid point won’t be able to manage a seat. Usually alone with my musiques I start walking towards chaurasa (bus stop). Waiting for the bus in winter that to an hour before sun rise cools one's spine down. My friend "Joint" helps me to stay calm till I get inside the bus.
Travelling makes a person to realize the worth of reaching distance. Being metaphorically unless one travel distance he can’t know the depth of life, particularly its meaning. There are at times one won’t get the real picture or view of his own life but most often when you lead your emotions you get the right view of life and most important its sole purpose of existence. To choose the best way to travel and the seat from where you can foresee your future happening is very difficult when you have been offered plenty of options. It’s always easy to choose what is right & what is wrong. But it is extremely difficult to choose the better of two rights & worst of two wrongs.
I entered the bus, said salaam to my bus driver friend and stared at an almost empty bus. With a small confusion of choosing the best seat from where I can view the pleasant atmosphere on the way to STC I sat. Opened the half opened window peeped outside to feel fresh oxygen, tuning to sounds of melodies and enjoying sweet solidarity with sense of happiness.
There are at times people shall forget the path they have travelled , the way they have, the people they have come across or the time they have spend to reach a beautiful place and most important the difficulty it takes, the pain it endures to reach the heights and lows of life. In Travel, one come across the taste of sweat and shock and only those who smile at those and venture will reach and have reached dangerous heights.
I usually carry a novel with me. I read it whenever I travel. Flipping pages of a novel (interesting) while travelling is of feeling highness as this gives me nice tempo to my mood. Without getting carried away of reading novel I pause to enjoy the atmosphere outside , sense of opening shops , musiques in my ear, chat with persons nearby (no matter even if u don’t know). It ‘s always a beautiful sight when you happen to see varied breeze of emotions right from birds to army man. Inside the bus it’s enjoyable to see people discussing about the previous day’s story varied from romantic blues to movies to LOC’s.
It will never make sense if u can’t enjoy at each and every scene you see. One can never experience the amount of happiness around us unless you feel open to explore it. It’s not about how long you travel to success; it’s about how frequent you travel towards success will determine the actual distance you attain. Each and every thing in this universe is to learn and you ought to finish reading it before you leave.
I reached STC got down from the bus started walking towards my room. Had a cup of vending coffee sat down in my place? People started flowing in and it’s just another routine day of learning in life!!!!! Unless one learns in life, he standstills at a position from where there can be no help.
P:S: This is not what I thought of writing!!!! There’s something in my mind which stops me!!!!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Strangely there is something more painful than the hurt itself.It is acceptance. It is the knowledge of that acceptance that however painful it may be, this too shall pass.And in tomorrow's past, today will be another memory lined up on the shelf gathering dust.
Where would you be tomorrow, my pretty, prancing in the warm sunshine? or singing of faded memories?
P.S: Dont read the last page of the novel that makes you to come to real Life !!! Be in Fiction always!!!
Friday, March 6, 2009

In this regard, I can easily conclude the power and strength can only be defined based on ability to conquer mental pain which in every case is true and no one can deny that.
The ultimate truth why male tend towards the unethical passion of boozing & fagging or to some extent into illegal business is just this... "The Nature's imbalance Diet...”. Emotionally speaking when a male is ditched in a love affair by a female, why it takes difficulty for a male in getting back to what so called normal life. Is this because women know how to control their emotions in tact or they don't express as to make others feel there is no emotion in her? Truth... Please!!!!!
Truth is, scientifically speaking the magic of “Testosterone”. The amount of secretion of this hormone makes the difference in aggression and power between men & women. The same adheres to the ability to control rejection, pain, loss etc.
Alcohol & similar interests reduces the speed of drop of the percentage of Testosterone drastically which shoots high on excitement. But for women this naturally reduces slowly to nil on rejection pain or failure from excited shoot up. The speed of loss or gain in percentage of secretion or deletion causes the real problem. According to medical research, testosterone - the hormone connected to male characteristics such as aggression and sex drive - rises in women by up to 50% when they get drunk. In men, it falls."